• Describe the cerebrum.
  • What is the importance of the cerebellum?
  • How does the cerebrum transmit information?
    16. True / False. The cerebrum
      Are these sentences true or false?
      • The cerebrum is the most important nervous centre in our body. It contains nearly one million neurons.
      • The outer surface, which is 1.5 to 4 millimetres thick, is called the cerebellum.
      • The cerebral cortex controls functions like speech and voluntary actions.
      • Each lobe in the cerebral cortex has different functions.
      • All voluntary actions and emotions originate in the cerebrum.  

        17. Choose. The cerebral cortex
        What are the four regions of the cerebral cortex called?

       18. True / False. The cerebellum
      Are these sentences true or false?
      • The cerebellum contains around 1.5 billion interneurons.
      • The cerebrum helps us to maintain our balance.
      • The cerebellum helps us to maintain our balance and produce precise and coordinated movements.
      • Without a cerebellum, our movements would be uncoordinated like those of a robot.
      • The cerebellum is located at the top of the brain stem.
        19. Complete. The brain stem and the spinal cord
          Complete this text with the correct words:
          The cerebrum receives information from the nerves via the brain and the spinal . The cerebrum sends to the motor via the same organs. There are also nerve in the brain stem and spinal cord that produce simple involuntary like actions. For example, the brain stem controls the automatic movements of the muscles and regulates our heartbeat.